Unconscious Husband: Meet Her Love In Silence
img img Unconscious Husband: Meet Her Love In Silence img Chapter 6 The Necklace Was Auctioned
Chapter 7 Property Division img
Chapter 8 Gift Agreement img
Chapter 9 Slap img
Chapter 10 Flatter Herself img
Chapter 11 Look For A Job img
Chapter 12 Interview img
Chapter 13 Jobless img
Chapter 14 Work In The Anderson Group img
Chapter 15 Bet img
Chapter 16 Make a bet img
Chapter 17 Do Chores img
Chapter 18 Gossip img
Chapter 19 Seduction img
Chapter 20 Horny Husband img
Chapter 21 Language Barrier img
Chapter 22 A Big Misunderstanding img
Chapter 23 Last-minute Help img
Chapter 24 Donna's Trick img
Chapter 25 The Fallen Popstar img
Chapter 26 The Real Story img
Chapter 27 An Awkward Kiss img
Chapter 28 A Car Accident img
Chapter 29 The Kind Theodore img
Chapter 30 A Strange Girl img
Chapter 31 Missing Child img
Chapter 32 Sleep Together img
Chapter 33 Staying Overnight img
Chapter 34 Admission img
Chapter 35 Stellar Model img
Chapter 36 A Good Show img
Chapter 37 Harassment img
Chapter 38 Panic In The Ladies' Room img
Chapter 39 Encounter img
Chapter 40 Surveillance Video img
Chapter 41 Scratches On His Left Hand img
Chapter 42 Hooked img
Chapter 43 Seduction img
Chapter 44 Getting Drugged img
Chapter 45 Pervert img
Chapter 46 Quenched Arousal img
Chapter 47 Divided Public Opinion img
Chapter 48 He Was Strange img
Chapter 49 Suing For Peace img
Chapter 50 Smart Move img
Chapter 51 Bloody Gift img
Chapter 52 Malicious Revenge img
Chapter 53 Valentine's Day img
Chapter 54 Shameless Couple img
Chapter 55 Dismissed From Anderson Group img
Chapter 56 Regret img
Chapter 57 Forced Kiss img
Chapter 58 To Be Robbed While Drunk img
Chapter 59 Move By Yourself img
Chapter 60 New Obstacle img
Chapter 61 Contract Thief img
Chapter 62 Abandoned Sugar Baby img
Chapter 63 Popular Nobody img
Chapter 64 Sign The Contract img
Chapter 65 Disguised Help img
Chapter 66 Failed Insemination img
Chapter 67 Causing Trouble img
Chapter 68 Indecent Photos img
Chapter 69 Sulfuric Acid img
Chapter 70 Late-night Fright img
Chapter 71 False Alarm img
Chapter 72 Tangible Reason img
Chapter 73 Pregnancy img
Chapter 74 Insult Them With Money img
Chapter 75 Solid Evidence img
Chapter 76 Mysterious Mr. H img
Chapter 77 The Appointment img
Chapter 78 All Dressed Up img
Chapter 79 A Crush On A Married Woman img
Chapter 80 Rude Request img
Chapter 81 Taser img
Chapter 82 Fear In Darkness img
Chapter 83 Forceful Kiss img
Chapter 84 What A Coward img
Chapter 85 Unfounded Rumor img
Chapter 86 Out Of Favor img
Chapter 87 Debut img
Chapter 88 A Cappella img
Chapter 89 The Winner img
Chapter 90 Blacklisted Him img
Chapter 91 Nominal Husband And Wife img
Chapter 92 Online Battle img
Chapter 93 Trend img
Chapter 94 They've Gone Too Far img
Chapter 95 No One Helps Her img
Chapter 96 Waiting For The Call img
Chapter 97 The Last Straw img
Chapter 98 An Article From Sarah's Fan img
Chapter 99 Josh Was Arrested img
Chapter 100 Aziel And Sarah img
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Chapter 6 The Necklace Was Auctioned

Ariana read the news with a heavy heart and her eyes were brimming with tears as she saw the picture of her mother's necklace.

She was sure that her stepmother Glenda was responsible for the auction of the necklace.

The necklace was part of a complete set of jewelry, each piece of which was exquisite and priceless. The necklace, in particular, was adorned with a rare ruby, making it even more valuable.

Ariana couldn't help but remember the last time she saw her mother.

Her mother had held her hand and whispered that she wanted her to marry with this jewelry set in the future. The memory made Ariana even more devastated.

The thought of Glenda selling off her mother's precious belongings enraged her.

Ariana knew there was no way she could buy that necklace, but she made a firm decision to take back the rest of her mother's belongings.

She knew she couldn't delay any longer, for fear that Glenda would sell the remaining items.

Unable to sit still, she decided to head for the Edwards family household immediately.

In a rush to leave, Ariana made a commotion in the corridor, unaware that the door of another room was slowly opening.


The end of November brought a dark and misty day, the sky casting a gloomy hue over the world. The rain poured down in heavy sheets, turning the pavement into a river. Despite the weather, Ariana marched determinedly to the Edwards family's house.

She pounded on the door angrily. The door creaked open to reveal Glenda, standing with a disdainful expression, her chin held high with arrogance. Ariana was drenched from the rain, her hair matted to her head and her clothes clinging to her skin.

Glenda sneered, "What do you want, Ariana? I'm in the middle of planning Brielle's wedding."

Brielle emerged from the room, a saccharine smile on her face.

"Oh, it's Ariana," she said with false sweetness. "Jasper and I are getting married soon. You don't mind, do you, now that you're married to Theodore?"

Brielle flaunted her words with utmost pride, a trait that she had carried since childhood.

It was Brielle's nature to snatch Ariana's belongings and then parade them around to make Ariana feel inferior. Today was no different.

In the past, Ariana would have been furious, but now she just thought Brielle was stupid and selfish.

Jasper was just some trash in Ariana's eyes, but Brielle continued flaunting her boyfriend. How stupid!

When Ariana didn't respond, Brielle intentionally probed, "By the way, where is my brother-in-law? Isn't he awake? Why is he not here with you?"

Brielle's taunting words pierced the air, and her face was full of arrogance.

Glenda sneered, "That's Mr. Theodore Anderson you're referring to. How could he fall in love with her? They got married when he was unconscious. Now that he is awake, they are surely going to divorce."

Ariana's face twisted in disgust, fed up with Glenda's cruel remarks. "I haven't divorced yet. I don't need you to worry about me. Give back my mother's belongings to me. I will leave as soon as I get them."

Glenda's eyes darted around, as she tried to play dumb. "What are you talking about? Didn't you take them with you?"

"Don't play dumb with me," Ariana snarled, growing more and more impatient with Glenda's facade. "I saw my mother's necklace in the news of the auction. You sold it, right? I can let go of that necklace, but you have to hand over the rest."

She was tired of playing games with Glenda. She marched over to Glenda's room, determined to find the belongings herself.

However, Glenda wasn't going to give up that easily. She rushed over to Ariana and glared at her, her voice dripping with malice. "Your father owed debts before he passed away. I sold that to pay them off. Since you married into the Anderson family, shouldn't you help the Edwards family with the debts?"

Ariana's sharp eyes instantly caught Glenda's extravagant attire, causing her to scoff at her ridiculous claims about her father's supposed debts. It was obvious to Ariana that Glenda was simply using her father's debts as an excuse to justify her deceitful actions. How could they still be living in the Edwards' home if they were really struggling with such significant debts?

Ariana refused to give Glenda the satisfaction of engaging in any more petty arguments. All she wanted was to retrieve her mother's belongings and leave the toxic environment behind. Without further ado, she pushed Glenda aside and marched toward the staircase.

Glenda's grip tightened on Ariana, as she boldly confessed, "I sold all of your mother's belongings. You can search for all you want. But you will find nothing."

Ariana couldn't believe her ears, and was disgusted by Glenda's shameless attitude.

"You sold everything?" Ariana sneered as her eyes focused on the earrings adorning Glenda's ears. "Even those earrings were stolen from my mother's collection!"

Glenda's hands instinctively covered her ears before she let out an irate cry. "So what? After raising you for so many years, I am entitled to them. I deserve these! The only way you can have them is if your mother comes back to life and asks for them!"

"Don't you dare bring up my mother again!" Ariana hissed, feeling the anger bubbling inside her. Without thinking, she yanked the earring from Glenda's right ear.

A deafening scream of agony pierced the air as blood gushed from the wound. Glenda clutched her ear, staring at Ariana in disbelief. "How dare you!" she yelled, her eyes filled with rage.

As Brielle launched toward Ariana with the intent to slap her, Ariana deftly evaded the attack but was immediately caught by Glenda from the other side.

Brielle seized the moment to push Ariana to the floor, grasping her hair.

With a furious voice, Brielle shouted, "Ariana, you bitch!" She raised her hand to strike Ariana but was interrupted by a low, cold voice that resounded throughout the room.

"Hey! What is going on here? What are you doing to my wife?"