Rejected heart
img img Rejected heart img Chapter 4 Piece of shit
Chapter 6 The omega img
Chapter 7 Little Ariel img
Chapter 8 Five years later .. img
Chapter 9 The kingdom img
Chapter 10 What went wrong img
Chapter 11 Emotions img
Chapter 12 Changes img
Chapter 13 Mate img
Chapter 14 Ariel img
Chapter 15 Painful rejection img
Chapter 16 Declaring war img
Chapter 17 The war img
Chapter 18 The cold war img
Chapter 19 A new home ... a new beginning img
Chapter 20 Unfair treatment img
Chapter 21 The city of mayn img
Chapter 22 The academy img
Chapter 23 The evil queen img
Chapter 24 The sadness img
Chapter 25 Who could that be img
Chapter 26 Wicked img
Chapter 27 She is non of your concern img
Chapter 28 The bond img
Chapter 29 My soul...your pain ! img
Chapter 30 What is happening ..why img
Chapter 31 Siblings or lovers .. img
Chapter 32 I am ready to go .. img
Chapter 33 The scent img
Chapter 34 Addictive img
Chapter 35 The darkness img
Chapter 36 Losing control img
Chapter 37 Yes, my queen! img
Chapter 38 Elder Teressa img
Chapter 39 Isn't that the famous img
Chapter 40 The lost soul .. img
Chapter 41 The moongoddes! img
Chapter 42 The darkness dungeons and the fury alpha img
Chapter 43 Just pain img
Chapter 44 The serpent img
Chapter 45 The full moon night img
Chapter 46 The attempted rescue img
Chapter 47 The ceremony (i) img
Chapter 48 The ceremony (ii) img
Chapter 49 From the fallen Kingdom to the kingdom img
Chapter 50 The tension img
Chapter 51 The ice king img
Chapter 52 Freeing Lisa img
Chapter 53 Died unexpectedly img
Chapter 54 The secrets img
Chapter 55 Arrogance .. img
Chapter 56 She is no more ... img
Chapter 57 The ruckus img
Chapter 58 Triggers ... img
Chapter 59 Healing... img
Chapter 60 Finding you ... img
Chapter 61 Blank emotions img
Chapter 62 Sister ... img
Chapter 63 Let's make a baby .. img
Chapter 64 The invitation img
Chapter 65 Unremorseful img
Chapter 66 Selfish.. img
Chapter 67 We are pregnant img
Chapter 68 A trap img
Chapter 69 The soul ball img
Chapter 70 Awakening the darkness img
Chapter 71 Pain and war ! img
Chapter 72 Epilogue ... img
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Chapter 4 Piece of shit

You are so dead Lucas, Monica yelled at him when he was brought back from school by his pathetic father ...the poor boy didnt say anything but he just looked at them with gentle eyes, he thought at first his parents will learn to love him like any other family which love their children but now he knows that his assumptions were proved wrong, John came inside the basement where Lucas was tied upside down hanging and asked him, why did you do that?...

lucas only shook his head not knowing what to answer, So now you are acting like a you did nothing you piece of shit ?huh!! you nearly killed the poor boy for goodness sake he yelled at his son .Are you doing this purposely ?"hmmm ?" he asked his son but Lucas stayed quiet not even want to make eye contact with him...

I am asking you something you good for nothing piece of shit, lucas you are looking for trouble huh?Remember you are a brute and you have no place in this pack .As an alpha's son you were supposed to be strong in a young age because of your blood but I did not expect you to be a weakling and so pathetic.

"You are an embarrassment!! ...." John yelled at him, you are an embarrassment you stink and you are so pathetic, he finished by punching him straight on his face and after few minutes, he got a purple bruised eye but didn't say anything.

How could he examine to them that he was stuck in his won body? He can not make any sound unless his one body wanted to, he can not do anything unless his body ordered him to do so ..

He was left hanging and being punished by either monica his mom or the alpha each and every minute of his pathetic life, they cursed him, whipped him, they tortured him like an animal because of something that he didn't do or so lucas thought.

The boy who hit me up on my head really deserved it he thought .I didn't do anything after he hit me, I just stumbled down on the floor and I only laughed but i didn't say or do anything afterwards ....he thought, He was tied up debating with his mind ...he didn't understand whether the boy who fainted at the hallway fainted because of him or not but I didn't touch him he thought and soon he closed his eyes welcoming the darkness.


Far away, there was a kingdom with tired rulers, the king and queen of that kingdom retired a long time ago because of being old .They did not age but they can retire in rulling, a thousands of years and were so tired of ruling, in their system of ruling and courting each other, they had never had a baby even if they wanted to do, their blood was cursed and it may cause a serious disaster when the baby was born.

The kingdom was surrounded by witches, hybrids, demons and many other supernaturals, they lived peacefully they dined together, trained together, they were supportive towards one another.

The king and queen weren't aging because after some periods of their lives they never became old but they were tired of rulling, we can't be ruling each and everyday I can't Queen Angela said angrily to her husband King Stefan.

My dear please have some patient, I know you have all the right to get angry but remember the goddess herself predicted that we are going to have a new ruler soon so dont worry .King Stefan reassured his wife who was tired and fuming into anger ...

we dont even have a baby she whispered to her husband am I really supposed to be called a ruler....?...she asked him .My darling I love you with all my heart and that is what soulmates do.

You are the queen of the seven deep seas you can control and rule anything with your amazing powers and what I mean is that I dont care if you have or do not have a baby I will always love you, we have to wait ....King Stefan thought ....

Enough with all of this can we please go out for a walk?..the queen asked her king ..anything for you my dear he replied to her ......

They walked out from the throne room and wear their blankets before moving outside the castle.

it's been so long queen Angela muttured ...hhmm !! King stefan sighed heavily, they took their horses and started raiding peacefully on the mountains ....They looked soo much in love even after thousands of years and mostly they acted like young teenagers.

They were enjoying their view and their time when suddenly the Queen started having a headache, she did not know what was happening, it was chilly outside but also the sun was shining brightly.The horse which she was riding but sensed something ......

When the queen was groaning in pain because of the sudden headache the horse lost control and ran with the queen inside a nearby mountain cave and dropped her.

"Hey!!" the queen muttured weakly and soon she went unconscious, And the horse just stood beside her inside the cave like it was following orders.

The King was busy looking at the plantation but suddenly he felt that Angela his queen is not there with him .She was just here, where could she even be he thought and started finding her ."Angela" he called, angela my dear where are you?..stop with your pranks it's getting late ...we have to retire in the castle.

The king yelled in the deep forest, "My queen" he called out but nobody came, he looked and looked and searched and searched but he heard nothing and at that time instantly he felt something was wrong.

My angela had never did that in her whole life, she is so understanding with a good heart, is she that desperate to have a freedom of not being a ruler, did she run because she is tired of ruling? he asked himself.

He went back to the castle slowly with a heavy heart, where could you be my darling he thought .But he didn't want to give up on her .So after he reached the castle he asked the soldier to spread news to other people of the kingdom because of the dissspearance of their beloved queen .Soon he retired on his chamber thinking of a plan of getting back his queen Angela.

Back on the Redmoon pack, Luna Monica came into the basement and untied him and dropped him mercilessly on the floor, You piece of shit why do you like causing problems and embarrassing us? he asked him whilst pulling his ear but the poor boy didn't even scream .He just looked at her like she was the most disgusting person in the whole world.

"You are so disgusting ," I really want to kill you monica gritted her teeth and slapped him hard on his cheek, Soon the maid came into the basement with a lighter and wood.

Without being talled anything the maid made a fire pit of woods in the basement and lighten the fire, Monica watched attentively because she was going to do the most cruelest thing of all her life.

Then the maid came with a very big pot and put it on the fire pit and then she filled it with water and the water started heating up .Monica felt really satisfied ...

"Strip" she commanded her son with a Luna voice and he did, he only remained with his underpants.

She then said something from that time and onwards was going to haunt her forever.

" You piece of shit, If I was the one who birthed you myslef, you are going to enter into that boiling pot filled with water so that I could skin you alive, " I don't care, i don't love you but you make my heart filled with satisfaction when I see you in pain. She spat venomously.