Trapped with the Lawyer
img img Trapped with the Lawyer img Chapter 9 I Have Something to Ask You
Chapter 16 We Will Have a Little Reunion img
Chapter 17 Chasing His Wife img
Chapter 18 My Wife and I Are Both Very Happy img
Chapter 19 He is Gonna Shine After He Grows Up img
Chapter 20 Mr. Leonard, Sorry for Keeping You Waiting img
Chapter 21 There was a Woman Named Emma img
Chapter 22 Touched the Switch img
Chapter 23 Let Me Teach You img
Chapter 24 You Don’t Have the Right img
Chapter 25 The Child She Was Carrying img
Chapter 26 You Go and Marry Her Yourself img
Chapter 27 Mom Likes Emma img
Chapter 28 Was He Showing Off img
Chapter 29 Massage My Shoulder Please img
Chapter 30 She Was a Bloody Nightmare img
Chapter 31 What Do You Mean by Another One img
Chapter 32 Today, She’s My Girl img
Chapter 33 It Depends img
Chapter 34 I Need a Successor Once I Get Married img
Chapter 35 It is Your Honor img
Chapter 36 As Long As Emma Can Give Up img
Chapter 37 No More Makeup in the Future img
Chapter 38 Didn’t Samuel Teach You about Manners img
Chapter 39 You Will Meet Someone Better img
Chapter 40 Knew How to Sweet-talk a Woman img
Chapter 41 No Red Pepper img
Chapter 42 I Hate Deception above All Things img
Chapter 43 Does Miss Leonard Still Want to Argue img
Chapter 44 She Was a Little Bit Daft img
Chapter 45 Right Into The Arms Of Mr. Lewis img
Chapter 46 Don't You Like Your Child img
Chapter 47 We Are Fine img
Chapter 48 Your Brother Has Deflowered and Discarded Me img
Chapter 49 She Heard It Right img
Chapter 50 It's Inconvenient When My Son Is There. img
Chapter 51 How Dare You Bully Your Wife img
Chapter 52 Grandma Got Your Back img
Chapter 53 My Husband Is So Rich img
Chapter 54 His Woman img
Chapter 55 Though I love Chuck img
Chapter 56 Infant Matrimony img
Chapter 57 This Bitch img
Chapter 58 Under Grandmother's Wing img
Chapter 59 It's So Damn Hard To Love Someone img
Chapter 60 It Has Been A Long Time img
Chapter 61 For The First Time, Ella Stayed Out All Night img
Chapter 62 Don't Make Trouble For Me img
Chapter 63 Domestic Violence Should Never Be a Choice img
Chapter 64 Ella’s Birthday in The Same Day with Emma’s img
Chapter 65 I Will Provide You a Monthly Salary of 50,000 img
Chapter 66 Who Allowed You to Leave img
Chapter 67 You Must Be Kidding Me img
Chapter 68 Do You Want to Be An Unfilial Daughter img
Chapter 69 She Must Win Back Samuel's Love img
Chapter 70 Are You Two People Looking for Trouble img
Chapter 71 She’s Lost It img
Chapter 72 Just Like A Female Mafia Boss img
Chapter 73 Like A Father Protecting His Kid img
Chapter 74 How Could She Look Like Ella So Much img
Chapter 75 Setting The Trap img
Chapter 76 I Don't Want A Divorce img
Chapter 77 It’s Been Over 24 Hours img
Chapter 78 Will You Marry Me img
Chapter 79 Bite Down If It Hurts img
Chapter 80 Catherine’s Heart img
Chapter 81 A Small Tragedy img
Chapter 82 Could We Just Take Our Own Fun img
Chapter 83 Played the Fool img
Chapter 84 Payback Time img
Chapter 85 The Morning Argument img
Chapter 86 I Won't Let Them Get Away img
Chapter 87 A Fight Breaks Out img
Chapter 88 Talks of Separation img
Chapter 89 Why Would He Have A Fever img
Chapter 90 Men Are Natural-born Cheaters img
Chapter 91 From Insults to Pleas; Harry's Plan img
Chapter 92 Planned Marriage img
Chapter 93 Love Triangles img
Chapter 94 Breaking Free img
Chapter 95 A Separation and Re-joining img
Chapter 96 A Dinner of Love and Hate img
Chapter 97 A Molestation Attempt img
Chapter 98 An Eventful Night img
Chapter 99 A Visit from Eason img
Chapter 100 Backfired img
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Chapter 9 I Have Something to Ask You

Emma gently rubbed her temples, sitting on an armchair.

She knew this afternoon that Samuel went to the old house. Even though it was night, there was no sign that he would come back.

She also knew that his wife was at the old house, too. She could not give that woman and Samuel any chance to get along.

So she went out for a drink deliberately so as to force him to come back.

She was so vulnerable just now. Why didn't he want her? Was it because he minded that she was not a virgin anymore?

The year when she was 17, Samuel's uncle forced her. Samuel saved her accidentally, but it was still too late.

Emma staggered into the bedroom and closed her eyes, thinking what she was going to do. Should I let Samuel go?'

The next day.

Samuel went to the court for an international fraud case. As for Ella, she walked to the mall, slowly and alone.

The baby had so many clothes that Samuel's grandma bought for it. She just needed to buy some baby aprons, little socks and such.

With one foot into the baby's area, her cell phone rang. 'Who would call me?'

She sat on the bench nearby and took her cell phone out.

It was a stranger. "Hello!"

"Ella?" A cold voice came out of the cell phone. If she got it right, that was Emma.

Ella looked at the call that was got through. Such a bummer!

"What can I do for you?" She looked at a black tie on a male model nearby, which had dark striped pattern. "That would be very handsome on Samuel." She thought.

Emma listened to the calm voice. Actually, she didn't care about her attitude at all, "Do you know where Samuel went later that night?"

Ella knew, of course, "When my husband picked up the call, I was in his arms. Of course I know where he went!"

Emma clenched the cigarette in her hand, "Alright. But it was me who was in his arms after midnight!" She deliberately made that sound sweet.

"So what? You are just a mistress! Aren't you?" A mistress was deemed to be scorned forever.

Emma smiled. "Mistress? Did he even touch you again, after you became pregnant?" My question was simple, but if that woman thought too much, it was not me who was to blame.'

Ella frowned. "What does that mean?" Was she telling her Samuel's physical desire these months was taken care of by her, Emma?

"We've got so much time ahead of us. If you are willing to be a mistress for life, that's fine for me." Ella hung up the phone. "This woman, Emma, was such a bummer!" She thought.

When the call was hung up, Emma's face was distorted with fury. Ella's mind raced swiftly. "Emma called me. It's not as simple as all that!"

After lunch, Ella was walking in the dining room for several circles to digest, while Melody was reading today's newspaper.

Suddenly, the door was opened. Ella saw Samuel coming in. "Why does he come back now?" She had no idea.

"Grandma!" Samuel greeted Melody wearing a poker face. Melody glanced at him and nodded.

When Ella was about to greet him, Samuel turned his cloudy face to her.

"Go upstairs. I have something to ask you." After saying this, he dragged her by the arm and went directly upstairs.

"Why, what are you doing, Samuel? Ella's pregnant, go slower." Melody put down the newspaper and came along.

Seeing these two quarreling, her heart pounded.

Samuel lifted her up, looking at the old woman behind him, " Are you satisfied now?"

Seeing this, Melody did look satisfied. She covered her smiling mouth and sat back to the sofa.

"These two kids are really getting along. Good sign!" Melody thought.

Ella put her hands around his neck in fear of falling down accidentally. She was not silly. Seeing Samuel's depressed face, she absolutely knew that Samuel didn't come back out of his love.

Samuel took Ella into the room and locked it.

When he turned his head back, a bag showed up in her hand. She looked at Samuel happily, "Sam, I bought this tie for you today. Check it out. Do you like it?"

She took a delicate box out of the bag and opened it. It was a tie with dark striped pattern. She hoped he'd like it.

The box was hit to the ground with a slap by Samuel. Suddenly, a tie dropped out.

Looking at that tie, Ella's face turned pale. 'This was the first gift I ever bought him.

Look how that turned out.' She thought to herself.

Samuel took a look at the tie on the ground and then at this pale woman. He felt a kind of uneasiness.

But he thought of the thing this morning and got angry, "Emma just called you to say goodbye. Why did you say that to hurt her?"

Ella moved her eyes to Samuel and said calmly, "What did I say?"

Called for a goodbye? What, he bought that?

Samuel looked at her calm face, "Why did you ask me? Don't you know yourself?" He raised his voice and his face was filled with anger.

This was the first time for Ella to see Samuel in such rage. What did Emma actually say?

"Was it because I called her a mistress? Or because I said I was in your arms last night?" She asked calmly.

Hearing Ella say mistress, his face turned more gloomy, "Why the hell did you say Emma was a mistress? This is slander. You could be sued, you know that?" He looked at this woman in front of him coldly.

"Oh, so she isn't? She was in your arms last night, too, wasn't she? I said nothing wrong!" She was getting more and more emotional.

"What are you talking about? Ella, if there is a mistress between you two, that should be you!" What Samuel said was like a knife, stabbing at Ella's heart.

Yes! If she hadn't slept with Samuel, she wouldn't have gotten pregnant and married him, and Emma wouldn't have been involved.

Seeing Ella's face turning pale, Samuel could not bear it. But he couldn't help saying, "You told Emma to die? How could you! You even said that I loved you. To be honest, I will love anyone except you!" The man laughed in contempt.

Ella laughed, too. 'Emma was good at making Samuel believe her.

For sure, if I said the truth, he wouldn't believe me.

So I might not bother to explain!' Ella thought.

"How could I not know how scheming you are when I was with you, Ella!" He scoffed in a cold voice, but the woman kept silent.

Samuel flew into a rage. He grabbed her wrist and said, "What do you mean by acting dumb?"

He came to confront her and she was embarrassed by that fact? Embarrassed by the bad thing she had done?