The Wife Diaries
img img The Wife Diaries img Chapter 10 Where Was She Two Years Ago
Chapter 12 All Because of That Woman img
Chapter 13 I'll Be There on Time img
Chapter 14 Don't Abandon Me img
Chapter 15 From Now On, We're Strangers img
Chapter 16 Anxious to Keep Her Around img
Chapter 17 One Person img
Chapter 18 You Are Always in My Heart img
Chapter 19 You're My... Little Aunt img
Chapter 20 We Are Just Friends img
Chapter 21 You... Are... Big Squid img
Chapter 22 Don't Run Away Again img
Chapter 23 You Don't Want to Be with Me img
Chapter 24 I Can't Accept Your Love img
Chapter 25 New Boss is Here img
Chapter 26 To Take Back My Things img
Chapter 27 What Was He Doing Here img
Chapter 28 Come Home and Live with Me img
Chapter 29 It Must Be Steve img
Chapter 30 Impressive img
Chapter 31 Wasn't She afraid img
Chapter 32 Business is Business img
Chapter 33 She is no longer my sister-in-law img
Chapter 34 Where were you img
Chapter 35 Seizing the opportunity to get close to him img
Chapter 36 What were you guys talking about img
Chapter 37 He must find her img
Chapter 38 Where did something go wrong img
Chapter 39 Why were you here img
Chapter 40 Was he crazy img
Chapter 41 You were not allowed to see that classmate again img
Chapter 42 We were divorced img
Chapter 43 He wanted to protect her img
Chapter 44 The person he cares most was Elisa img
Chapter 45 Your home was also my home img
Chapter 46 Didn't like that woman img
Chapter 47 It wasn't like she was joking. img
Chapter 48 Everything was waiting for you img
Chapter 49 Keep this account in mind for them img
Chapter 50 Ten thousand rejections img
Chapter 51 What do you want img
Chapter 52 You Must Protect Yourself First img
Chapter 53 Why did she come to you img
Chapter 54 Protect Yourself img
Chapter 55 Did you find out img
Chapter 56 Shouldn't something be done to her img
Chapter 57 I Won't Look For Elisa again img
Chapter 58 Pay the price for your own actions img
Chapter 59 She Won't Bother You img
Chapter 60 Going Home Together img
Chapter 61 You can't get away img
Chapter 62 This is what you call a couple img
Chapter 63 Miss Jones was waiting for you in the office img
Chapter 64 When will you go back img
Chapter 65 Dodge A Bullet img
Chapter 66 Going Home Together img
Chapter 67 Give me five million yuan today img
Chapter 68 Not a penny less img
Chapter 69 I Only Wanted to Protect Her img
Chapter 70 Love Affair through Phone img
Chapter 71 Wanted to give her the best of everything img
Chapter 72 There must be something on your mind. img
Chapter 73 Is this all true img
Chapter 74 Miss Jones was injured. img
Chapter 75 I don't believe you img
Chapter 76 Will you stay with me all the time img
Chapter 77 Don't want to take care of anything about Mary img
Chapter 78 Maybe she is the third mistress img
Chapter 79 Mr. Jimenes, something happened img
Chapter 80 Definitely Not His Wife img
Chapter 81 Not going back to Cloud Tripod District img
Chapter 82 Where is Elisa now img
Chapter 83 Work Hard to earn money img
Chapter 84 You Are My Only Woman img
Chapter 85 I already found them. img
Chapter 86 Only Want to Protect you img
Chapter 87 Not Wanting to Comply With His Wishes img
Chapter 88 Get A satisfactory result img
Chapter 89 Tell Her that I won't Be there img
Chapter 90 What exactly is the situation img
Chapter 91 We can definitely find out the truth. img
Chapter 92 Thank you for your concern. img
Chapter 93 You Are Welcome to Come Back img
Chapter 94 Going to pick her up at the airport img
Chapter 95 Have you gone back to the Howard family recently img
Chapter 96 She will definitely be found. img
Chapter 97 Want me to pay for the medical expenses img
Chapter 98 You are not allowed to question me. img
Chapter 99 Then I will have a try. img
Chapter 100 He thought she was cute. img
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Chapter 10 Where Was She Two Years Ago

Elisa soon got a reply, "Don't worry, Little Soybean, Sharon's acting skill is poor and not qualified to enter my crew."

Quite satisfied, Elisa sent out another message, "Thank you, Simon. I'll visit you sometime."

"Good, I haven't seen you for years. I'm looking forward to it."

Elisa replied to the message and then put away her phone.

After Elisa finished her work, Joan was worried that she took the incident to heart and comforted her with concern, "Eli, don't take their words to heart, you're not stupid at all. You're very smart."

"Mm." Elisa responded. In fact, she was indifferent to the behavior of Holly and Sharon just now. She looked at Joan and continued, "Let's go, have some milk tea, and buy handbags later."

"Mm." The two continued their way to the milk tea store.


As a new day came, in the CEO's Office of Jimenes Group, Chris finished his daily report and then reminded his boss, "Sir, Mr. Cruz is expecting you to attend his dinner party tonight."

"Mm." Martin agreed. Mr. Cruz was a business partner, so he should attend it.

"Have you found out the woman the other night?" Martin changed the subject.

"Not yet." Chris felt anxious.

Martin pulled a long face and intended to blame him. On second thought, he knew it would not change the result. After seconds of contemplation, he instructed coldly, "Go on digging."

"Yes, sir." Chris replied hurriedly.

After reaching the office, Elisa reviewed a few documents and got ready for a coffee break when Steve's call came in.

"Elisa, I just got the news that several projects of Gorilla Group are in crisis. We can seize the opportunity and acquire it." Said Steve from the other end of the phone.

"Yes, let's seize the opportunity." Elisa said excitedly.

"Mm, but we need to talk about the details of the acquisition."

"Sure, how about we meet in the afternoon after work and talk about it?" Elisa voiced her opinion.

"Cool, we can have dinner together."

"Mm, name the time and location, I'll be there on time," Elisa said.



In the afternoon, Martin returned to the office after attending two meetings. During the break, he checked his cell phone on mute and saw two missed calls from Victor.

Unsure of his business, Martin called him back.

"Martin." The other party answered the call.

"Mm." Martin responded and then asked, "What's the matter?"

"Mm, I'm at the club right now and saw Sharon. I wonder if you asked her out to play golf today." Victor said.

After the news sank in, Martin looked a bit surprised and then answered, "No."

He hadn't seen Sharon in the past few days. She called him last night and only chatted for a short while.

... From the other end, Victor was surprised for seconds and then came to his senses, "Oh, that's my guess. I thought you were dating Sharon and wanted to join you."

Since Sharon was Martin's sweetheart, he naturally associated them.

"Probably, Sharon is hanging out with her friend today." Added Victor.

"Mm." Martin responded. In fact, he was not quite clear about Sharon's personal matters. Since Victor saw her, it might be so.

Without further chitchat with Victor, Martin hung up the phone.

He put away his phone, had a cup of coffee, recalled what Victor just said, thought about Sharon, and suddenly smell a rat.

Martin contemplated for a while, got a plan, and called in Chris through an internal call, "Have someone investigate Sharon. When did she come back to South City? And..."

"Where was she two years ago after running away from marriage? What was the reason?" Instructed Martin.

He had never asked Sharon about these and thus didn't know the answer.